A testsignal
generator for audio applications in an FPGA |
Test Signal
Test Signal Unit
This module uses additive sound
synthesis by superimposing several sine waves, matching the
intended generator frequency. The principle corresponds to the
Fourier analysis and LaplaceTransformation, according to which
it is possible to generate nearly any waveform imaginable from
simple sine waves.
The first module was used in an industrial
application to generate waveforms for super sonic waves in parallel.See
the page here: Additive
Frequency Synthesis
Here I am
using it as a LaPlace waveform generator to generate band-limited
signals as test wave forms for audio circuits. Up to 31 waves
can be generated.

The module works up to 120
MHz and runs on a current Cyclone III FPGA.
Wave Synthesis

Complex Wave from super imposed sine waves

Complex Wave from super imposed sine waves, actually a band
limited saw tooth
Dynamic Wave
Table Synthesis
In a modified version, I am using
7 waves to create harmonics in order to build the desired music
wave. Using several of these waves, a virtual wave table processing
is possible by walking through these waves dynamically. See
the new Wave Table Module
and the old Wave Table Module
Read about the detailled function
in this article Wave Synthesis
Full Synchronized
44,1 kHz
48 kHz
88,2 kHz
96 kHz |
96 kHz Audio