Test Sound Generator for 100 Volt
ELA Systems

g this dynamically it
is possible to change a given clock frequency by only a small
With this circuit it is possible to generate
a test audio signal compatible with ELA-systems for 100 Volts.
ELA here means Elektrische Lautsprecher Anlagen which is the
german name for public address loudspeakers focussing on
Any waveform is possible using
appropriate mathematical methods for compensating the losses
and distortion intruduced by the amp and the transformer:
The primary sound is first generated
with Steinberg Wavelab as an ordinary PCM stereo signal at
24 bit / 96 kHz. The 1000mV signal from the sound card's RCA
jacks is then converted to 100mV by calibrated analog
amplification with a third-party KEMO AMP module and linear
equalization with a VST equalizer chain in Wavelab to
compensate the transformer's high frequency attenuation and
level limiting behavior. The transformer is factory rated
for 220V and therefore operates here in a largely linear
range. However, some distortion may still occur at higher
voltages due to magnetic saturation effects. Therefore, a
non-linear pre-distortion method is used to mitigate these
Instead of Wavelab, also my FPGA-based Signal-Synthesizer can
be used to drive the circuit.
See also
Test Signal Generator