96kHz x 18 Bit
Spartan 3E 500
An Spartan 3e platform is used to
implement a wave shaper module in VHDL capable of generating
square waves and pulses with adjustable slope based on
equations. Using either DDS-based frequency generation or VA-modeled sine wave
operation, a trigger wave is used to control the phase and shape
of the primary signal, driving either phase or amplitude.

Processing the signal the module can be used for
generating a modified edges with controlled harmonics or a
generic wave use for band limited square waves and pulses.
Signal Set
Functional signals of the wave shaper
Several parametric functions are used to apply edge
shaping of a formery linear signal. Because of the limited
number of Multipliers in the Spartan 3E of only 20, a full
parallel implementation is limited to 8 functions altogether and
a x16 in maximum because of the required number of square
operations. With forthcoming FPGAs more waves shall be possible.

Example functions shown on simple VGA Oscilloscope
using 1280 x 1024 view (Samsung SynchMaster FFT-flac screen
For the Oscilloscope realtime output is possible only,
because the block rams and the multiplications share the same
(not to say identical) resources. So for demonstration only the
functions themselves can be presented using the real time system
frequency of the video of 108 MHz.
Signal Examples
Audio signals from wave shaper
To use real wave processing the incoming signals have to be
treated and also stored to let them become visible at the SVGA
screen. Here 8 channels and 4 block Rams are used to show
eventual signals. By switching the parametric curve various edge
constellations can be achieved including fast rise and slow
falling with one pulse. The derived signals can be used for
testing serial protocols in terms of slew rate analysis.
Overshoot signals can be derived by substracting e.g. curve 6
from curve 4 thus emphesizing the high frequent part of the

Example Waves on a simple VGA Oscilloscope
using 2x4 channels
The 8 channels are switched in 2:1 during the block ram write action to show them all. Because of the
multiplier limititations only x6 grade - waves can be used
together with brams. Without an
internal oscilloscope all multipliers could be used for wave
generation and shaping.
Read about the math of the
Parametric Curves.