High Precision
Audio Filter
32k Sample RAM
32k Coefficient RAM
48kHz x 24 Bit

A multi channel accumulation pipeline
is used to perform continous operation on the incoming audio data
by applying progammable filter coefficients and smoothing the audio
data with a built in window. A modified Blackman-Harris-Window is
used for this. Operation mode is 4 times oversampling using complex
multiplication (I x Q). The audio data ist then resynthesized with
smooting filter from out of the 4 pipelines.
Thus both low
deviation because of windowing and high bandwidth because of limited
filter size are combined effectively.
The spectral response
ranges from 6Hz ... 20 kHz (-3dB) and 16 Hz ... 16 kHz (<1dB)
operating well for common audio applications.
Read about
a high precision filter on a S3