Cyclone III
48kHz 96kHz 192kHz
sample rates
640x480 TFT
1280x1024 VGA
48kHz 96kHz 192kHz 384kHz
Audio DSP
This project intends to realize graphical
visualization of audio signals
with the
new embedded KIT of Altera cyclone III using parts of the embedded
audio analysis and TFT-video demos available from the ALTERA
tour 2008.
Base Hardware Unit
Altera Cyclone III Neek embedded Kit

The Altera Cyclone III
from Terasic is used to implement a graphical visualization
of the synthesized audio. The signals can be viewed either
on the common video output as well as on the TFT touch
Audio Visualization

1920x1080x60 video format showing the visualization of
the keyboard input.
The audio analysis is performed by the
audio2midi-unit of the
FPGA-DSP. A Görtzel-algorithm is used to analyze the audio.
Simultaneously it is monitored at an analog oscilloscope via
the built in DACs. Audio data rates of up to 192 kHz are
possible! The MIDI is stored onto the SD-card and used to
drive the virtual keyboard monitor.
Since the NIOS
softcore is used here, several of my
audio graphic algorithms could be used.

virtual piano input module as touch screen

a simple bar graph for spectrum and level display

simple render graphic as audio animation
See more
C-program based computer render art on my old german
Computerkunst mit Mathematik