Spartan 6
96kHz 192kHz
sample rates
1600x1200 DVI
1920x1080 HDMI
48kHz 96kHz 192kHz
Audio DSP
Base Hardware Unit
Spartan 6 FPGA board

The Trenz Spartan 6 board is used
to implement a graphical visualization of the incoming
digital audio. The board analyzes the digital audio data from
S/PDIF or I2C. Mouse an keyboard control is available too.
Audio Visualizer

The 5-bit-VGA interface with dithering is used to generate
a HDTV-like signal of 1920x1080 resolution with a refresh rate
of either 50Hz or 60Hz. Also 1600x1200 resolution is possible.
The smaller format of SXVGA 1280x1024 can be run with up to
120Hz clock frequency.
See my VGA-Core
project at
The audio analysis is performed by the
audio2midi-unit of the FPGA-DSP.
Unlike I did it in the former version, the analog representation
of the audio is now fully digitally done by displaying on a virtual oscilloscope.
An optimized FFT-analysis of the pre-filtered audio data is performed
to detect the detailed frequency and display it at the virtual
keyboard. The audio data is used to create visual effects in
the background.
Click here to see the former
version of the visualizer