DSP Module
A VHDL-implementation
of my multi stage delay oscillator is presented here. It works
with a similar method as known from the Karplus-Strong-Algorithm
and formerly had been implemented in my
Chameleon using C-language
for DSP56301, see the

The design works with 48kHz sample frequency and almost
12,288 MHz FPGA clock frequency offering 256-times oversampling.
3 feedback loops are used to drive harmonics into the circuit,
making the sound more realistic and let it come closer to the
intended string instruments. The feedbacks are scaled adequately
and added to the existing mix so that the overall energy disappears
in a slow and controlled way. Here MIX1 block works as a low
pass filter taking the most recent sample(s) into account.
The advantage in comparison to known designs with only one
loop is the more realistic behaviour of the harmonics that way
that multiples of the fundamental frequency are driven into
the system too thus maintaining or even emphasizing these harmonics
as it also takes place with real strings. The very special issue
about that is that one can also tune the address vectors and
control the ram access that way that the resulting period is
a little bit different than e.g. a 1/3 of the string lengths
which even more represents the reality in a better way since
strings with a real lenghts do not totally adhere the diffential
equations which describe infinite wires without any weight.
By using equalizers (TP1 ... TP3) - possible low pass filters-
the harmonics can be furtherly controlled. At least one IIR
("MIX") should be present to limit high frequencies
and upcoming alias frequencies.
In the images below one
can see the behaviour of the waves when using the feedback of
the third harmonic 1) not at all, 2) slightly a bit and 3) in
an excessive way. The screenshots have been taken from my VGA-oscilloscope
and copied together for all three cases in sequence showing
12 points of time each.

Without the feedback the harmonics (introduced
by a triangle) simply vanish so that the wave becomes a sine
wave. This is not really realistic because the nature of the
string is to reintroduce harmonics.

A slight feedback of the third makes sure this works.The
wave is always "living" and has harmonics with an
automatically balanced level.

Strong feedbacks will cause a rapid redistribution of
the energy in the string into the third ending up that way that
almost flattended waves (partly similar to squares) occur, depending
on the phase of the harmonic (T6, T7, T8). The sound if similar
to an electric distorted guitar.
It has to be mentined that this approach is partly
overlapping with the Patent of Karplus and Strong. In order
not to violate this, a trick might be used: One undersamples
the outgoing data stream slightly and truncates the delay appropriately
so that the resulting feedback pitches correspond. This practically
creates a de facto band limiter too if done well without using
an explicit lowpass like given in the patent. However care should
be taken for the amount of harmonics introduced into the signal
I experimented
with more than 3 stages but found that too many harmonics may
cause rubish if not set perfectly in terms of reloop steps and
interpolation. One must not forget that after each loop some
harmonics of the harmonics will be introduced. Finally
I suggest to go with mainly H3 and H5.
See the VHDL here:
the former version in C here:
waveguide oscillator