Filter Module
48kHz x 24 Bit

A ladder filter similar to classical
MOOG-filters is built in VHDL to be integrated into the workstation.
Therefore the analog behaviour is investigated in order to emulate
non ideal effects too. This includes noise, non linearity of the transistors,
heating effects, capacitors' non linearity, saturation effects
and even PCB effects like cross
talk and wire resistance / parasitic capacitors against GND. Also capacity
of the pins are modelled. The circuit was described using
standard components and C-language like equations, formerly
created to be placed
into the ABM-blocks in the pSPICE simulator. For the
semiconductor modelling a bipolar transistor model similar to
Gummel-Poon was taken. The equations were transformed into a
full pipeline model
in VHDL for FPGAs. The depth an precision of the model can be
scaled in order to adapt to small FPGAs too. The current model
occupies a large Cyclone 2 FPGA when sized in a moderate way.
Read another article about analog modelling:
Analog Example