A Synthesizer in VHDL emulating a Microwave XT

(c) 2008 Jürgen Schuhmacher


A special setup of the VHDL Synthesizer together with a virtual MIDI controller is used to emulate a Waldorf Microwave XT Synthesizer.


Virtual MIDI Console

Virtual Waldorf Microwave XT

A recent LAPTOP of Type Siemens Amilo XI 2550 is used to control a virtual console and driving the VA-Synthesizer via MIDI. Common 8 Bit MIDI is used in this case trasported over serial interface with 115k/230k.


Front End for Keyboard Control

Vritual Console emulation Waldrof Microwave XT

The Cinema 4D Software was used to reproduce the Waldorf like surface of the synthesizer. Knobs are dynamic during rendering phase and thus can be recorded at various angles to show 3D-behaviour in the future. In the current version a static view is used.


VCO - Synthesis Unit

Virtual Analog Synthesizer for Spartan 3

Logical representation of the FPGA Design (VA Oscillators) to emulate VA-like voices. For wave table synthesis two waves are loaded into the RAM and morphed in between. Because of the restricted RAM-size only one wave is present the same time. Samples were derived from a recorded Microwave II we used in the studio.

FPGA - Design Spartan 3

FPGA Design of the VA Synthesizer

Physical FPGA Design of the VA-wrapper with IO-cells, PLL and reset circuit required for propper FPGA-design.




2D-Virtual Console

2D-Console to emulate Waldort Microwave XT Synthesis

MIDI - Data is sent to the FPGA board which produces the sound. VA Synthesis and Wave Table Synthesis is possible. See the Audio DSP pages for details.


Download a full resolution example of the screen:  XT-Screen

Download an example sound file produce with the audio workstation:  Arpeggios